A great steaming pile of Blog
Thursday, December 11, 2003
  Well it has been a whole month since last I wrote in here and I must say that it has been all action all day every day. In fact it hasn't really been too action packed but it has been all day and every day.

The basement is coming along. I've had my framing inspector in and the electrical guy is coming tomorrow. The framing inspector said that the work was all of such high quality that he was going to give me my final pass without having to return a second time. I'm hoping that the same will be true for the electrical work.

A friend of Angie's who's the manager of an electrical supplies wholesaler here in town set me up with some good gear at some good prices and I got it all done in about 45 hours including all the telephone and cable wiring, vent fan in the bathroom and the creation of four totally new circuits. I'm sure people would go out of business if they worked that slow but as I'd not done it before I took the time to read a few books and do as neat and tidy a job as possible. Overall I'm happy with it all as long as it passes inspection.

In other non-basement related news my beautiful blue beretta car is no more. It had a fairly gentle run in with a kerb and with the price of automotive mechanic labour in this city being about the same as a brain surgeon in any other city it was prohibitively expensive to have it repaired. I now have a pewter (coloured) cavalier just like the rest of the city. I jest. It is actually a nice car and it was a good deal. I'd have rather stuck with the old car as it was paid in full but there you have it.

By now anyone reading this will have seen the baby picture linked from the main page. Everything looks good and sounds good but Angie is certainly having her share of difficulties and things are not really smooth. Suffice to say it is unlikely that she will be able to work right up until she gives birth and the sooner she is off the better.

Jasmine is in good spirits. She has put on a bit of weight recently and is more difficult to lift but she is definitely happy with the extra food she's been receiving. Winter is still a problem for her though, it's not so much the cold weather as the having to go outside into it.

My steaming blogginess chronicled for your reading pleasure.

09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 / 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 / 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 / 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 / 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 / 06/01/2011 - 07/01/2011 /

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